- zavada

Vazeni klienti,

omlouvame se, doslo k zavade na spoji zajistujicim pripojeni k Internetu pro Mesice stred. Linka jede v nouzovem rezimu. Docasne omezeni kapacity se tyka vsech pripojenych na budovu obecniho uradu. Je naplanovan upgrade celeho spoje. Vymenou dojde i k vyraznemu navyseni kapacity.

25th Jul 2022
Unscheduled outage - information

Unfortunately, due to repeated interruptions in the power supply, there was a UPS failure in one data cabinet. The technicians are working on the repair and services should be available again within a few minutes.

If the service does not work, please restart the service using the customer interface if possible. Alternatively, write a ticket.

14th Jul 2022
Planned infrastructure maintenance.

Over the course of the next week, the firmware updates of the individual nodes of our virtualization cluster will gradually take place. These are only restarts, i.e. a one-time drop in availability should not exceed 5-15 minutes.

9th Jul 2022
delayed orders

Due to national holidays in our country and illnesses in the company, all requests (non-critical helpdesk tickets, emails, etc.) will be handled later than usual. All pending orders that need to be handled manually will be processed after July 11.

4th Jul 2022