Závada na páteřním spoji

Před pár minutami byla odstraněna závada, která působila zhoršenou kvalitu připojení pro obce Mratín, Zlonín a Nová Ves. Spojení je opět plně funkční.

26th Oct 2022
Vacation until 31.10.

Due to a public holiday and vacation, only network monitoring will be in operation until 31 October. Orders requiring the work of our administrators will be processed no earlier than 31.10.

25th Oct 2022
Planned maintenance - VPS cluster

Dear Customers,

On Saturday 1.10.2022 from 22:00 scheduled maintenance of the entire virtualization cluster will take place. The maintenance will be performed serially on a node-by-node basis. All virtual servers will be shut down for the necessary time and then restarted. Thank you for your understanding

29th Sept 2022
VPS - OS updates

The images have just been updated for immediate VPS installation. New versions of these systems are available:

  • ubuntu-22.04-x86_64
  • centos-8.2-x86_64
  • almalinux-8.6-x86_64

12th Sept 2022
7 8 9 10 11