We offer various discounts. It's up to you which one you choose! We offer both permanent discounts and various promotions and discount coupons. In the case of good payment morale and receiving a larger number of services or products from our company, you can get an individual discount on products or services. Individual types of discounts can only be combined with an automatic discount for the length of the prepaid period, not between each other.
Permanent discounts
You will automatically receive a discount on each order if you choose a longer payment period. The amount of this discount depends on the selected length of the prepaid service period as follows:
length of prepaid period 1 month = amount of discount from the total amount of the order 0%
length of prepaid period 3 months = amount of discount from the total amount of the order 1.5%
length of prepaid period 6 months = amount of discount from the total amount of the order 3%
length of prepaid period 12 months = amount of discount from the total amount of the order 6%
length of prepaid period 24 months = amount of discount from the total amount of the order 12%
length of prepaid period 36 months = amount of discount from the total amount of the order 18%
for a longer payment period, the price and amount of the discount are determined by agreement
Special discounts for 2022
The promotion is valid until further notice. Do not hesitate! Unfortunately, there is currently no discount action.