Oracle Sun servery



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Rozhraní OpenBoot (OpenBoot Prompt, OBP, OK prompt) na počítačích Sun. Skládá se z Boot PROM (1MiB paměť obsahující interpreter kódu, POST, obecné ovladače zařízení, CLI, výchozí nastavení a diagnostické příkazy) a z NVRAM (baterií zálohované EEPROM, obsahuje SN, HostID, MAC, hesla, obsah proměnných nvramrc). OBP je napsán v jazyku Forth (interpretovaný jazyk), pouze nejnutnější příkazy jsou psány v assembleru. OBP používá dva zásobníky (návratové adresy a data). K přístupu z OS slouží API openrom.

Verze OBP

  • 1.x ... SPARCstation 1, 1+, IPC, SLC
  • 2.x ... SPARCstation 2, 5, 10, 20
  • 3.x ... Ultra workstations 95, 10, 30, 60, 80), Enterprise Server (250, 450, 3x00-6x00)
  • 4.x ... Sun Fire, Sun Blade

Pohyb kurzoru v OBP

  • ^P ... nahoru
  • ^N ... dolu
  • ^F ... vlevo
  • ^B ... vpravo

Příkazy OBP

  • .version ... vypíše verzi OBP
  • .speed ... vypíše frekvenci procesoru
  • banner ... zobrazí základní informace o systému (verzi OBP, platformu, MAC, ID)
  • boot, go ... start OS
  • devalias ... nastavuji aliasy zařízení (do prvního vypnutí/restartu)
  • nvalias ... alisay zařízení, ale uloženo v nvram (tj. platí stále)
  • nvedit ... editor nvramrc (^C ukončuje editaci)
  • nvquit ... ukončí editor bez uložení
  • nvstore ... uloží konfiguraci do nvram
  • nvunalias ... smaže nastavení z nvram, ale nesmaže aktuální nastavení aliasu
  • power-off ... vypnutí počítače
  • printenv ... vypíše proměnné prostředí
  • probe-ide ... vypíše IDE zařízení
  • probe-scsi ... vypíše SCSI zařízení
  • probe-scsi-all ... vypíše SCSI zařízení 9všechna, tj. i externí)
  • properties ... výpis vlastností v device tree
  • reset, reset-all ... restart počítače
  • see ... vypíše význam slova
  • set-default ... nastaví výchozí hodnotu proměnné na danou hodnotu
  • set-defaults .. nastaví všechny proměnné do výchozího nastavení
  • show-devs ... vypíše device tree
  • show-disks ... vypíše adresy disků, vybráním jednoho řádku se tento zkopíruje do schránky
  • show-post-results ... vypíše výsledky POSTu
  • sifting ... vyhledá všechna slova obsahující daný výraz
  • sync ... zavolá jádro, vyprázdní cache
  • test floppy ... test disketové mechaniky
  • test net ... test síťového rozhraní
  • test scsi ... test SCSI rozhraní
  • test-all ... test všeho, co otestovat jde
  • watch-clock ... vypíše hodiny
  • watch-net ... vypíše stav sítě
  • words ... výpis definovaných slov v prostředí OBP

Proměnné OBP

  • auto-boot? ... automatický start počítače ze zařízení definovaných v boot-device
  • boot-device ... seznam zařízení pro boot (cdrom disk net)
  • boot-file ... soubor s jídrem
  • diag-device ... seznam zařízení pro boot v diagnostickém režimu

TN105 - Sun OpenBoot Prom 105.1 General 105.2 Getting to the boot monitor 105.3 Restore default NVRAM settings 105.4 Set boot device 105.5 Other good open boot commands to know 105.6 ttya console with framebuffer and keyboard attached 105.7 Show SCSI devices 105.8 Show fiber channel devices 105.9 Booting 105.10 LOMlite 105.11 Keyboard interrupt sequence (RS-232 BREAK Signal)


105.1 General

       Sun computers use a boot monitor program called "OpenBoot". From
       the boot monitor we can perform certain hardware tests, issue
       boot instructions, and set many parameters stored in nonvolatile
       RAM on the CPU board. Some of these setting must be adjusted
       for particular situations.
       Full documentation is available at:

105.2 Getting to the boot monitor

       The best way is to cause an orderly system shutdown with
       one of these commands, shown in order of preference:
               shutdown -yi 0
               init 0
       If this is not possible then it can be forced by:
         From the tty console send a RS-232 BREAK signal.
         (serial consoles default to 9600,8,N,1)
         From a Sun Framebuffer/keyboard press the STOP key
         and the 'a' key at the same time.
       In general this method is BAD and has the same risks to
       the file system as just turning off the power.
       If you accidently sends a break or STOP-a, you can safely
       return to the running OS state with this command:
               ok> go
       If you issue ANY other commands first then go may not work.


105.3 Restore default NVRAM settings

            ok> set-defaults


105.4 Set boot device

            ok> setenv boot-device disk
            Other options include:
                       disk0   main SCSI controller target 0
                       disk1   main SCSI controller target 1
                       disk2   main SCSI controller target 2
                       disk3   main SCSI controller target 3
                       disk is same as disk3
            [if disk is not main SCSI controller ]
            ok> nvalias disk /sbus@1,f8000000/dma@3,81000/esp@3,80000/sd@3,0
            System may take 30 seconds during POST to show any response.
            Setting diag-switch? true will cause the POST to print details and
            system will show a response immediately but POST may take 2
            With diag-switch? true the boot device is set by diag-device

105.5 Other good open boot commands to know

            reset                    - reset system (like power cycle)
            devalias                 - Display all device aliases
            devalias <name> <value>  - Create or change a device alias
            show-devs                - Display the names of all devices
            diag-switch? true        - extended POST diags
            nvunalias  <alias>       - This will unset an alias - you must
                                       then reset for it to take affect.
            setenv diag-switch? true - turn on diagnostic messages (will boot
                                       from diag boot device also.)


105.6 ttya console with framebuffer and keyboard attached

            ok> setenv output-device ttya
            ok> setenv input-device ttya


105.7 Show SCSI devices

            ok> probe-scsi
            ok> probe-scsi-all
            it may be necessary to set auto-boot?=false and then reset
            before probe-scsi will work
               Syntax: setenv auto-boot? false


105.8 Show fiber channel devices

            ok> probe-fcal-all
            it may be necessary to set auto-boot?=false and then reset
            before probe-scsi will work
               Syntax: setenv auto-boot? false
            ok> show-disks
            a) /sbus@3,0/SUNW,fas@3,8800000/sd
            b) /sbus@2,0/SUNW,soc@d,10000/SUNW,pln@b0000000,87300d/SUNW,ssd
            c) /sbus@2,0/SUNW,soc@d,10000/SUNW,pln@a0000000,8a1abd/SUNW,ssd
            q) NO SELECTION
            Enter Selection, q to quit:  c
            ok> nvalias ra001 ^Y@3,0:a


105.9 Booting


       ok> boot        # Normal boot
       ok> boot -v     # Normal boot, verbose output
       ok> boot -s     # boot single user
       ok> boot -r     # boot and reconfigured devices
                       # necessary when new devices are added
       ok> boot -a     # ask for configuration info
                       # if /etc/system file was damaged try:
                       #  /etc/system.orig or /dev/null


105.10 LOMlite

       Some systems support Lights Out Management. LOMlite is a monitor program
       available on the system console when the system is powered off and
       provides event monitoring the running OS.
       LOMlite is documented in the "LOMlite User's Guide" 806-2038-10 and in
       the Netra t1 User and Administration Guide.
       Summary of common LOM commands
         #.              To get to LOM from when the console is used by the
                         boot monitor or the OS
         console         To get return the console to it original state.
         environment     Display status of system
         faulton         Turn fault light on
         faultoff        Turn fault light off
         reset           Reset system
         poweron         Turn power on
         poweroff        Turn power off
         show            Show all available info


       From Solaris LOM can be configured using lomctl. There is a
       configuration file /etc/lom.conf.
       By default systems with LOM run a watch dog process: tsdog started by
       /etc/init.d/tsaldog. /etc/init.d/lomlited starts daemon that reports any
       state changes to syslogd.
       See also lomctl(1M), lominfo(1M), lomprog(1M), lom(7d), tsdog(1M),
       tsctl(1M), tsstate(1M), and tsunlock(1M) man pages.
       The LOM software for Solaris is not included in the standard
       distribution. To reinstall order CD: X6972A.


105.11 Keyboard interrupt sequence (RS-232 BREAK Signal)

       By default consoles attached via the serial port interrupt the system
       and bring up the boot monitor when an RS-232 Break is received.
       A BREAK condition that originates from an erroneous electrical signal
       cannot be distinguished from one deliberately sent by the attached
       terminal or terminal server. The Cisco 2511 terminal for example
       typically sends a BREAK when it is power cycled, causing the attached
       Sun's to stop and go the boot monitor prompt. It may also be caused by
       unplugging or plugging in a serial cable. While the Sun can be restarted
       by typing 'go' it may be better to prevent the problem.
       Solaris 8 provides a solution. For a full explanation see the man page
       on kbd.
       For a general discussion of the problem:
       For Cisco's discussion of the problem:
       For a list of terminal servers that do and don't have the problem:
       For a device that prevents it:
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